Your own Pro.Radio Based Radio Station Website

Pro.Radio is the best possible tool for building your radio website. All functionality you need. Unlimited styling options. And thousands of happy customers.

We are official Pro.Radio partner for designing, configuring, developing and operating Pro.Radio based radio websites!

Radio shows and weekly schedule

  • Weekly radio shows timetable
  • Current and upcoming show slider
  • Automatic day and time recognition
  • Link shows with podcast and speakers

Powerful non-stop

  • Add unlimited radio channels with song title and artwork
  • Compatible with Icecast, Shoutcast, Azuracast, Airtime & more
  • Play podcasts and single MP3 songs in the same player
  • Automatic popup player button in header
  • Preload custom tracks and podcasts
  • Drag and drop any MP3 song to embed the player
  • Your custom radio player created from scratch

Music charts with user vote functionality & audio samples

  • Easily create and manage song charts
  • Song preview via audio file or external popular sources
  • User rating functionality included + self ordering tracklist
  • Embed a chart anywhere
  • Automatically link charts with radio shows

Professional podcast functionalities

  • Create unlimited podcasts
  • Import any RSS as,, Blubrry & more
  • Easily link a podcast series to is own radio show
  • Display podcasts anywhere with Elemenor
  • Create feed for iTunes Podcast & Google podcast
  • Built-in timestamp with interactive cues for chapters

Radio presenters, DJs and custom team members

  • Weekly radio shows timeable
  • Current and upcoming show slider
  • Automatic day and time recognition
  • Link shows with podcast and speakers
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